But sincerely,  there just feels like there is so much packed in such a small speck of sand.
           You know, like "if there                   were as many suns as                   there are single grains  on all the world's beaches.

A universe stuffed with light."

 ... Or naw?

And if it were painted without a flaw. ?

Soooo many questions.

Yo!?. (I, no) ( No, I)
   I'm thinking it, 
   soo that must mean something.       Surrree. Shakes head in the vat of   liquid preserving it for the entertainment of [___________} -- insert wild thought depicting  alien like conceptualized entity, an   entity unthinkable. Soo good luck hehe.  

{Written-literally, ' typed' while stretching for many minutes in a lotus position.}

Now for anyone un-explored to such a stretch, when the the lower body contorts for a few seconds it releases signals proving to create "sensations". A few moments into the yin pose your legs may go numb. Definitely more affected by gravity. A weight pulled without any adjustment in the 3-dimensional kind of space but a few measurable units on a grid that included time. Eventually, 5, 6, 7, 30 minutes into a settled 'moment' your breath finally catches up. Multitasking placed on hold to breath in the tingles that flow from less touched parts of the body. Especially intentionally so. The Tendons and muscles and veins. And then, too, of course!, whatever  it is  touched when a height so tethered  is  fattened up. When Breathing = life. 

* so, to repeat: I was stretching when I wrote the top part. Like in a seated stretch with one leg crossed over the other. I then attempt to describe the various stages of sensation  felt as the stretch moves into the next phase of its life.   I think it's important to note (here now twice! ;) that one doesn't move to get into a place of the stretch. This kind of 'depth' comes about with stillness,  at least in the area stretched. (Although I too think of the differences in dark silent stretch sessions (eyes closed lights off and the ones I fit anything accessible in the hands reach to really navigate the concepts of a clock.. "stuff life full full)  with not moving and or also attempting to write the stream of thoughts flowing down for another to not just relate but respond?" .. No no, no fan mail! hahaahah! But like have a sentence to re reflect the entire thing from this 'apparently' worthy rephrasing of under-stood concepts. A particular view communicating with a particular view changing, inherently, the next particular view(s).  But again I divulged from the stretch which from one second to the next felt; breathed; thought different enough to acknowledge..

Maybe this all should be read like a math equation. Parenthesis as a thought coming from the previous one. Yes Dylan, we caught on in the second paragraph! Yesssss. But after much thought and deliberation on our way down the page I thought it as worth it to elaborate for a future dyl!.. Or a past Dyl on a top secret time travel mission! ... Righhhtt!

Who me? Like For Eve -R.. And then I google "R" and it became Adam and the gadgets comprising  an iphone. All in one vein? But like the reverse of Cobain, becausssse, the pain and 'suffering'  to reward tactic (running over heroin) = Progressive. A philosophy of living, looking to be further 'lived' .. Nutritional yeast!? Probably!, Or not. But so long as it tickles my taste buds. (and doesn't burn someone elses!) I'm down for the individual preference. Keeps all the plants (ehe ehe!) in the business, ... of reproduction! ( And here I've been joking about the cheesiness of my vegan jokes that encourage exercise over drugs because controlled pain to a great post-work 'out' is much better then a hangover. (I'm a light weight, not too many parallels.. yet!?) Only maybe a poppy garden in my 90s! (And we are remembering the work in an ALF where many old people are on the capitalist ventures of pharmaceuticals.) Constantly with a mind we are! Stuffing and stuff, (But what if you don't see all that stuff for years or it gets dusty? Grows mold and a cockroach infested. Then =, we spring clean,. but since you've mentioned t now we can revisit back. Start to unpack. Refold and give on the things we've collected.

Preparation for rearing? Or are we already in the game? Born.. 

What. Reproduction and meanings of life, and eating and plants. like life with clean re purpose- driven absorptions into soil.

Ta DA! 

A synopsis!

Let us, for a long time!



"You know what I mean?"

Well then you're just going to have to try the stretch for yourself. And try and try again because, "Summertime, and the livin' is easy, Some more time, let us make the livin' fun!" But her daddy took the T -bird away and she learned about dimensions in the universe. (including the code placed here acknowledging a reference, which in a different time (and with accurate historical placement a different medium) those 'dubbed' song lyrics conjure up imagery slightly (english, cars, etc)  diverse from era and decade and region. Just like the complexity of stretching. 

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